The goal of this table is to help an unnamed hero defeat the genie Saleem Bagazi and free a beautiful princess by obtaining jewels for a magic scimitar to battle the genie with through feats in select stores in the Tales of the Arabian Nights, through seven missions. A mission begins when the player hits Bagazi's figure, activating a magnet that briefly holds the ball in front of him. However, which particular mission will begin is determined with flipper operation and bumper hits, with the former cycling a flashing lamp across the series of mission jewel ramps behind the flippers with every button press. Once a mission begins, it will continue until it is completed successfully across balls. Missions are completed successfully when objectives are met or whenever a time limit that pauses in between balls expires, although players will earn better score rewards for completing missions successfully before time expires. It is not possible to fail missions and once a mission is completed successfully, the player must make a full shot through the ramp to claim its associated jewel before selecting another mission. Successfully completed missions cannot be repeated and are removed from the possible choice of missions decided with flipper operation and bumper hits before the ball hits Bagazi. Missions can also be skipped by making wishes to the hero's genie, depicted at the bottom half of the table.

One of my favorite tables. I still haven’t beaten the Genie in the final challenge.