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Rat and Mice Removal

Rats and mice. They gnaw on wiring and wooden home joist. They contaminate your home with their urine and feces. They are the number one problem in the world dollar wise for damage.

Helping You Get Rid of Mice or Rats


Wildlife Damage Control has the knowledge to solve your rodent problem. There are actually two different species of mice that enter a structure. One is the House mouse. This mouse is gray in color with lighter gray hair on its belly. One of the areas most common mouse species. Also there is the White-footed Deer mouse that is also fairly common, but found more in areas that have homes closer to overgrown fields and woodlots. Both species adapt readily to living from your basement, cabinets, crawlspaces and quite common in the attic.

The Norway rat is the species that thrive here in the NW Arkansas Area. They are very happy to live in your basement or behind the kitchen cupboards. Norway rats are very adaptable to any environment. Outside of the home they will live in the ground burrowing around the foundation of the home. For non-stop control, we offer exterior rodent bait stations that are locked and anchored to the ground for safety from pets and children.

Do you need help with rodent control?


Are mice gnawing on your car wiring? Are rats eating the dog food in the kitchen? Do you heard faint scratching on the ceiling while your trying to sleep? Wildlife Damage Control has handled all of these problems and more successfully and efficiently. For non-stop control, we offer exterior rodent bait stations that are locked and anchored to the ground for safety from pets and children.

How can Wildlife Damage Control help with rodent removal?


What Wildlife Damage Control does differently from a lot of other pest control companies is that our highly trained and professional Wildlife Technicians actually do an inspection around your home to determine where the rodents are entering. Further we do not use poison within the home. After all the mice or rats are removed we will do the repairs necessary to keep them out for good..

If you have Rat or Mice problems, contact us today to get your issue resolved.  

Wildlife Damage Control 

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