Skunk Removal
Some claim that by placing ammonia soaked rags or moth balls will cause a skunk to leave from under your porch. Very rarely is that the case. Wildlife Damage Control has years of experience with skunk control and have helped homeowners and business owners alike get rid of these pesky animals in almost every situation and circumstance possible. Yes, even without getting sprayed.
Helping You Get Rid of Skunks
Skunks often burrow under front porches, back patios or driveways. They will then have babies, and sometimes up to twelve young can be born. So there is a potential of a large population. Further, in the winter, skunks will all den together. Up to as many as twenty skunks be in a den if it is large enough to accommodate them. Skunks can cause the concrete of the porch or driveway to collapse from their digging of a den site.
Do you need help with skunk control?
The first thing that may indicate a skunks presents is obviously the smell. Most homeowners will not even know that there are skunks around their home because the skunks only spray when threatened. It is not uncommon to have an odor of skunk in a home just from a passing skunk. Skunk odor is one of the worlds strongest smells. Wildlife Damage Control not only offers complete removal of all skunks, but odor control as well. We offer several methods to remove most if not all odor from your home.
Why do you need skunk removal?
Some homeowners think that skunks will simply go away by themselves. While it is true that the animals sometimes make only a temporary den, most of the time they will remain there for a number of weeks or longer. Unfortunately during this time they may have had young and once the young start feeding the adult skunk and young may start digging in your yard, what's referred to as "grubbing" where they will literally dig up the whole yard in search of grubs or any other insect that lives within the soil.
How can Wildlife Damage Control help with skunk removal?
Our highly trained and professional Wildlife Technicians do a complete inspection to determine if there are any denning occurring on your property. If they have, we will set traps to remove the animals. After determining that all the animals are removed, we offer exclusion work to block the den entrance. We offer a unique exclusion method that has never failed. We also offer a flea treatment if needed.