Starling Removal
The Northwest Arkansas area is home to a few species of Starlings and we have experience dealing with all of them. Our Starling removal service will ensure that the pests are gone for good. We are dedicated to your satisfaction and also ensure that the contaminated area is professionally cleaned so it is once again safe.
Professional Starling Control
Starlings become a problem for most homeowners in the spring of each year. This is when the flock disperses and the birds pair up to nest. Because Starlings are cavity nesters they with take advantage of areas of a home that allows them access. This is usually under the sophets or low hanging fascia boards on a home. Sometimes they will also utilize old woodpecker holes that the woodpecker has left behind. We completely bird proof the home. Starlings have also been known to roost in very large numbers in warehouses and under bridges. Our expert Wildlife Technicians have handled all of these scenerios with excellent results.

Wildlife Damage Control will do a full inspection of the home or building and remove all nesting material if it is accessable and then make sure all the birds are removed. At this point we will do the repairs that are needed to keep the birds out for good.